
Entity Definition

Logical Name : FinancialLedgerJournalEntry
Physical Name : JL_JE_FN_ACNT

An entry in a journal of transaction details for posting to a FinancialLedgerAccount and/or a StockLedgerAccount

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the parent TenderControlTransaction ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) RetailTransactionLineItem(TR_LTM_RTL_TRN)
LineItemID (FK) A sequence numer used to identify unique line item instances within a TenderControlTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint TenderControlTransactionTenderLineItem(TR_LTM_TND_CTL_TND)
FinancialLedgerAccountID (FK)(PK) The reference for the FinancialLedgeraAccount ID_ACNT_LDG Identity integer FinancialLedgerAccount(CO_LE_ACNT_FN)
FinancialLedgerJournalEntrySequenceNumber (PK) The sequence number of the FinancialLedgerJournalEntry. AI_ENR_FN_LE_JR LineNumber smallint
MerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP Identity integer StockLedgerJournalEntry(JL_STKG)
StockLedgerJournalEntryID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for this journal entry. ID_JE_STKG Identity integer StockLedgerJournalEntry(JL_STKG)
TenderTypeCode (FK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender being moved in the TenderControlTransaction. TY_TND Code varchar(20) TenderControlTransactionTenderLineItem(TR_LTM_TND_CTL_TND)
TransactionID (FK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the parent TenderControlTransaction ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) TenderControlTransactionTenderLineItem(TR_LTM_TND_CTL_TND)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint RetailTransactionLineItem(TR_LTM_RTL_TRN)
DateTimestamp The time at which the FincancialLedgerJournalEntry is made. TS_ENR_FN_TRN_JR AuditDateTime datetime
Amount The monetary value of the FinancialLedgerJournalEntry. MO_ENR_FN_TRN_JR Money decimal(16,5)
DebitCreditCode A code to denote whether the value of the FinancialLedgerJournalEntry is debited or credited to the FinancialLedger. LU_ENR_JR_DB_CR Code2 char(2)
RevenueCostCenterID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an accounting budget, that owns merchandise and is used to track the financial performance of the retail enterprise. ID_CTR_RVN_CST Identity integer StockLedgerJournalEntry(JL_STKG)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RetailTransactionLineItem is posted by FinancialLedgerJournalEntry
FinancialLedgerAccount is updated via FinancialLedgerJournalEntry
TenderControlTransactionTenderLineItem is posted by FinancialLedgerJournalEntry
StockLedgerJournalEntry is posted to FinancialLedgerJournalEntry

Logical Views containing FinancialLedgerJournalEntry

Logical View
Logical 02510 - Tender Control Transaction - Movement View
Logical 04000 - Financial Ledger - Macro View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View
Logical 04200 - Financial Ledger - Tender Ctrl Transaction View
Logical 04300 - Financial Ledger - Inventory Control View